34 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1
exactmedia_f0130w2019-06-07T13:27:27+01:0034 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 << Back to Property management
34 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 << Back to Property management
Acting for Unilever PLC, the former occupier, Thompson Yates has legacy managed this high office content warehouse (50/50) property since 2008, dealing with all head lease issues and co-ordinating the re-letting/sale of the building.
Acting for Unilever PLC, the former occupier, Thompson Yates has legacy managed this HQ office, research/R&D facility since 2007, dealing with all head lease and sub-lease issues including rent reviews.
Acting for Unilever PLC, the former occupier, Thompson Yates has legacy managed the building since 1996, dealing with all head lease and sub-lease rent reviews and re-letting surplus accommodation on a rolling basis.
8,300 sq ft Grade I Listed Victorian former church building in commercial/retail use.
Thompson Yates acted for the landlords, a private estate and public body, in head rent review negotiations.
We were appointed by the Companies House Executive, a government agency, to give rent review advice on their London headquarters building.
Representing a member of the Tattinger family, Thompson Yates negotiated the purchase of this office campus and extensive car parking to the rear.
Acting on behalf of an institutional investment buyer, Thompson Yates negotiated the off-market purchase of the freehold interest in this headquarters office building.
Acting on behalf of a privately held property company, Thompson Yates introduced and advised on the acquisition of the office component of this mixed use scheme, let to two government tenants on long term leases.